Together we will weave a container to witness all that wants to be held.

In all my Doula work what I offer you is to meet you where you are at and to be a witness to all that is emerging within you.

I come to you with my hands, heart and mind open.

My ability to witness in a non-judgmental and deeply empathetic way as well as my capacity to traverse challenging territory; enables me to hold a safe space for you while TOGETHER we navigate all that wants to be seen, and perhaps a little of what doesn’t.

I do not claim to be a therapist or anything other than what I am not.

I am here for and with you. I will walk beside you.


I tailor to people’s individual needs and individual means.
Everyone should be afforded the right to be heard, held and acknowledged.
I’ll always find a way to work within your means.
Reach out and we can discuss your needs.